Monday, March 18, 2013

Lenten Pretzel Paragraph Rubric

Lenten Pretzel Writing Rubric
Wow! (3)
Almost (2)
Poor (1)
Descriptive and exciting words are used, words and details aren’t used  repetitively, includes 4 details about how the pretzel is related to Lent
Descriptive words are only used once or twice, words and details aren’t used  repetitively, includes 3 details about how the pretzel is related to Lent
Boring words are used throughout the paragraph, words and details are used  repetitively, includes 2 details or less  about how the pretzel is related to Lent

No more than 2 spelling mistakes in the whole paragraph
No more than 4 spelling mistakes in the whole paragraph
Several spelling mistakes in the paragraph

No incomplete sentences or grammar mistakes, all sentences sound smooth and polished
1 incomplete sentence or grammar mistake, most sentences sound smooth and polished
A few or many  incomplete sentences or grammar mistakes, sentences do not sound smooth and polished

Topic Sentence
Has a clear topic sentence that includes the words pretzel and Lent
Has a topic sentence that includes the word Lent or pretzel, begins by stating a detail and the topic
Does not have a topic sentence or begins just by stating a detail instead of the topic

Has a clear conclusion that ties together the author’s thoughts
Has a conclusion that ends the paragraph with a new fact or detail
Does not have a clear conclusion, ends abruptly or with a detail sentence

Picture Included?

Final Score

/ 16

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