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Monday, February 25, 2013

Tests Feb 25- Mar 1

1. Science Ch 5 Lesson3 Quiz
2. Social Studies Ch 4 Lesson 3 Re-quiz

1. Charlotte's Web Ch 10-12 Vocabulary & Spelling Test
2. Charlotte's Web Ch 10-12 Comprehension Test

1. Science Ch 5 Test
2. Math Ch 9 Quiz
3. Religion Ch 17 Test

Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 25-26

Tests for early next week...

1. Religion Ch 16 Test

1. Science Ch 5 Lesson 3 Quiz

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Science Ch 5 Lesson 2 Study Guide

Vocabulary to know: 
producer, consumer, decomposer

Do decomposers get their energy from the sun? Why or why not?

Does a consumer in a food web eat all of the producers in that food web? Why or why not?

If a large number of one animal leaves an ecosystem what effect would that have on the consumers that eat that animal?

Just a head's up....We didn't get to Science Ch 5 Lesson 2 today (because we were reviewing for the Math test tomorrow), so we may have to postpone the Science Quiz to next week on Tuesday, but I'm hoping to have some time to cover Science tomorrow morning so you don't have to study over the weekend!

Social Studies Ch 4 Lesson 2 Study Guide

Vocabulary to Review:
cultures, preserve, museum, traditions, & elder

What does the Oroville Salmon Festival Celebrate?

What has Katherine Siva Saubel done to preserve the Cahuilla way of life?

Name at least 2 specific events or places that Native Americans use to preserve their culture.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tests February 11-15

1. Science Ch 5 Lesson 1 Quiz

Wednesday - Ash Wednesday
1. Charlotte's Web Ch 7-9 Comprehension Test
2. Charlotte's Web Ch 7-9 Vocab/Spelling Quiz

1. Math Ch 8 Test
Valentine's Day Service Project & Party

1. Religion Ch 15 Test
2. Science Ch 5 Lesson 2 Quiz

Science Ch 5 Lesson 1 Study Guide

Vocabulary words to know: 
- ecosystem
- habitat
- population 
- community

Do living parts of an ecosystem depend on nonliving parts? Why or why not?

Do populations in a community depend on each other? Why or why not?

Think of many examples of populations that are part of our ecosystem and be able to explain how they interact.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tests February 4-8

1. Charlotte's Web Ch 4-6 comprehension test
2. Math Ch 8 Quiz
3. Social Studies Ch 4 Lesson 1 Quiz

1. Spelling / Vocabulary Quiz Charlotte's Web
Ch 4-6 Quiz
2. Religion Ch 14 Test
3. Phonics Unit 3 Test
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