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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Social Studies Ch 1 Study Guide

Looking for studying materials to review with your 3rd grader one last time tonight? Here's the SS study guide we completed in class in case anyone misplaced it! :)

Social Studies Chapter 1 Study Guide

1. What state borders California to the North? ________________________

2.  What 2 places border California to the East? ______________________

3. What country borders California to the South? _____________________

4. How many regions are there in California? What are they called? _______________________________________________________

Vocabulary: Study the definition for each of these words.

A. intermediate directions

B. coastal plain

C. transportation

D. climate

E. population

F. plateau

G. human-made features

H. border

13. What 2 natural resources are new communities built by? __________and_____________

14. What region are most of California’s farms in? __________________________

15. What is a desert? ___________________________________

16. What is trading? _____________________________________

17. What is a mountain range? _____________________________

18. What is an area where you will find many skyscrapers, homes, and businesses close to one another called? _____________________________________

19. How does a landform map show where mountains, plains, valleys, or hills can be found? ___________________________________________________

20. Are natural resources evenly spread out in California? Yes / No

21. On what continent is your community located? ________________________________

22. The letters NE on the compass rose are between _______________and_____________

23. What are bridges and buildings examples of? __________________________________

24. What is the first thing people usually build in a new settlement? _____________________

25. Name 2 cities that are an example of an urban area. _____________________________

26. Name 1 city in California’s desert region?________________________________

Use complete sentences to answer the questions.

1. In what region do most Californians live? Name 2 reasons why more people want to live there.
2. Name a physical feature in California and describe how it affects the climate of that area.
3. Pick one of the following (a school / a park) and give 2 examples of how it can help a community  grow.
4. Name the ocean next to California and describe 3 ways Californians make use of this ocean.

Happy Studying!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Social Studies/ Geography Map of the World & Tests for Sept 26-30

Today the students brought home a map of the world to color by Thursday morning. each student was supposed to color the map as follows:
Oceans - blue
North America - yellow
South America - red
Africa - purple
Antarctica - gray
Europe - orange
Asia - green
Australia - brown

Don't forget to study for the Social Studies Ch 1 Test on Thursday and the Science Unit A, Ch 1 Test on Friday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Social Studies Chapter 1 Outlines

Many people have been frantically searching through notebooks at the end of the day this week for outlines and notes I've handed out to the class, so I thought I would post them here just incase anyone else forgot to take them home tonight. Happy Studying!

Social Studies Vocabulary

Unit 1: Our Geography
a group of people who live work in the same place
the place where something is found
Physical feature
something found in nature, such as weather, plant life, water, and land
Human-made feature
something people have built, such as a building, bridge or a road
Natural resources
something from nature that people use

Chapter 1: Physical and Human Geography
a line that shows where a state or nation ends
Intermediate directions
the in-between directions that give more exact information about the location of a place (Ex: Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast)
a feature such as a mountain a valley

a landform with steep sides and a flat top that rises high into the air
Mountain range
a large chain of mountains
a lowland that lies between hills or mountains
Coastal plain
a lowland plain that lies along a seacoast of an ocean
the weather that a place has over a long period of time
hot, dry places
an area with at least one feature that makes it different from other areas
the movement of people, goods, and ideas
to exchange one thing for another
Landform map
a map that shows a place’s physical features, such as mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, lakes, rivers, and oceans

number of people in an area
a city
smaller communities near cities
an area with fields, woods, farms, and small towns
Grid system
a set of lines that cross each other to form boxes
Exact location
the point where two grid lines meet, or cross, on a map

Social Studies Ch 1 Lesson 3: Human Made Features

I. How do people change the places where they live?
   A. Communities have been built in certain locations:
         1. They build near fresh water & good soil
         2. Many people live near the coast
         3. The first thing people do when they move somewhere is add buildings to the land: houses (somewhere to live) & places to work
    B. People add human-made features in many different ways:
         1. Examples of human-made features include: streets, buildings, restaurants, police department, airport, school, home, bridges
         2. California has roads, railroad tracks, subways, and bridges that help get people and things to the places they need to go (transportation)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tests for the Week of Sept. 12-16

Today I showed the class how to record their tests for the week in the green "words of the week" column so that they will have a running record of what they should study for during the week. Please use my posted list to check what your child writes down on Mondays & remember to help them study!
P.S. Be on the lookout for Social Studies Ch 1 Study Guides to come home tomorrow to guide your studies for Wednesday's quiz :)

Tests for the Week:
1. Social Studies
Quiz Ch 1 L 1
2. Reading Vocab Quiz
Ballad of Mulan
3. Reading Test: Ballad of Mulan
4. Religion Ch 2
5. Math Quiz Ch 1: Rounding & Money

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3rd Grade is SEW Cool!

   Have you heard about how cool 3rd grade is yet?!? In Miss Farmer's Class we're SEW cool that we used part of the first week of school to sew our own over-the-chair binder bags to store a note-taking binder, supply box, and water bottle in. Thank you Miss Hellbusch for coming up with a project that teaches us real life skills and will help keep us organized all year long!
   By now I hope that everyone has had a chance to check out our fabulous binder bags in person, but if you haven't, here are some pictures to fill you in. Thank you to our fabulous parent volunteers who came in early in the year to help us get off on the right foot! I hope you enjoy the pictures from our project and that more families will be inspired to create an organized study space for at home studying and nightly practice. If you have any other ideas to share about keeping 3rd graders organized, please share them in the comment section below! :-)
We're hard at work!


We're all smiles as we get ready to sew!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reading Vocabulary

Our first story in reading is called Cliff Hanger and we will begin studying it tomorrow (Friday, September 2)! Since this is our first story I thought that I'd share the vocabulary list with everyone on our blog so that you can start studying for Thursday's Vocabulary Quiz. Each student will receive a copy of the list in class tomorrow, but feel free to print it out at home for reference if you'd like. Have a great Labor Day weekend and make sure to check back this weekend for a blog with pictures of the class' sewing project from the first few days of school!

Cliff Hanger

Being tied to a person or a rock with a rope for safety
A set of straps that can attach to a safety rope
A shelf of rock
A trip down into or from something, such as a mountain
To come down a cliff by sliding down a rope
made a slow and difficult journey on foot
metal rings used by rock climbers to attach ropes to themselves or to climbing nuts
falling suddenly and quickly
knew something before it happened
straight up and down
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