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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Social Studies Chapter 1 Outlines

Many people have been frantically searching through notebooks at the end of the day this week for outlines and notes I've handed out to the class, so I thought I would post them here just incase anyone else forgot to take them home tonight. Happy Studying!

Social Studies Vocabulary

Unit 1: Our Geography
a group of people who live work in the same place
the place where something is found
Physical feature
something found in nature, such as weather, plant life, water, and land
Human-made feature
something people have built, such as a building, bridge or a road
Natural resources
something from nature that people use

Chapter 1: Physical and Human Geography
a line that shows where a state or nation ends
Intermediate directions
the in-between directions that give more exact information about the location of a place (Ex: Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast)
a feature such as a mountain a valley

a landform with steep sides and a flat top that rises high into the air
Mountain range
a large chain of mountains
a lowland that lies between hills or mountains
Coastal plain
a lowland plain that lies along a seacoast of an ocean
the weather that a place has over a long period of time
hot, dry places
an area with at least one feature that makes it different from other areas
the movement of people, goods, and ideas
to exchange one thing for another
Landform map
a map that shows a place’s physical features, such as mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, lakes, rivers, and oceans

number of people in an area
a city
smaller communities near cities
an area with fields, woods, farms, and small towns
Grid system
a set of lines that cross each other to form boxes
Exact location
the point where two grid lines meet, or cross, on a map

Social Studies Ch 1 Lesson 3: Human Made Features

I. How do people change the places where they live?
   A. Communities have been built in certain locations:
         1. They build near fresh water & good soil
         2. Many people live near the coast
         3. The first thing people do when they move somewhere is add buildings to the land: houses (somewhere to live) & places to work
    B. People add human-made features in many different ways:
         1. Examples of human-made features include: streets, buildings, restaurants, police department, airport, school, home, bridges
         2. California has roads, railroad tracks, subways, and bridges that help get people and things to the places they need to go (transportation)

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