As we have been discussing in class, each student must complete an artifact that represents a tool, clothing item, jewelry, dwelling, or other artifact to represent things their tribe used or would have needed from their environment. Tribal groups should have a variety of artifacts to fill our museum, so please coordinate what you'll be making and bringing in with your other tribe members. We wouldn't want to have 30 spears and no baskets to represent all of our California Indian Tribes!
Below are some pictures, links with directions, and other project ideas for any students who are looking for inspiration. All artifacts are due on Thursday January 24th so that we can organize our museum in time for our big Open House reveal on Sunday.
Remember, the key is to MAKE something that is related to YOUR TRIBE :o)
Happy Crafting!
Homemade Arrows made with felt, twine, and twigs
How to make a Mini Bow and Arrow with some household items...
Woven Indian Basket made from paper grocery bags
Directions on how to make a "buffalo hide" can be found at the following website:
Here is a sample picture of the hides...

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